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#Black magic to stop a lovers marriage, +27639896887 #Black magic for a break up

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#Black magic to stop a lovers marriage, +27639896887 #Black magic to break up lovers marriage, how to take revenge from in laws New Zealand, AustraliaAre you looking for A good, authentic, genuine, best real working powerful love spells caster, love specialist, voodoo spell casters, a *** doctor, a native healer, a spiritual healer, black magician? Looking for voodoo voodoo death spell? You need to reunite, return you’re lost ex-lover in 2days? You want to bring back you’re lost ex-lover in 2days? casters to bring back lost lover, return reunite ex-boyfriend girlfriend wife husband, I am a love spells caster, a spiritual healer, astrologer, a psychic, black magician Expert love spell caster, A good, authentic, genuine, best and real spells caster, psychic, spiritual healer, native healer, black magician, sangoma, love specialist, astrologer, traditional healer, lost love spells caster to bring back ex-lover in USA, voodoo spell casters.

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Black Magic To Revenge And Curse your Ex Lover +27639896887. Cast a Revenge spell on your ex for breaking up with you.

Revenge Black Magic Spell. Topic: How to get revenge and curse ex lover or ex boyfriend? What is the best revenge on your ex? What black magic spell can you use to revenge on your ex? How can to make an ex jealousy and regret loosing you? Is there a spell to make your ex want you back when you don't want to? Welcome to the revenge and death spells where you can chose the best revenge for you ex partner. 

Not all relationships are meant to last for many reasons. Some times breaking up can be of mutual understanding where both of agree to breakup because of personal reasons or unreconcilable difference after you have tried almost everything. Not a very easy thing to do but it leaves you all happy and help you o develop a friendly relationship BUT there that break up that happens because of personal or selfish interests where a person just breaks up with you for no clear reasons without caring how much you have sacrificed for the relationship/ marriage. In most cases, this happens because he found someone new who he thinks is better than you or he has been influenced by family or friends to drop you for someone else or He decides to break up with you out of anger for a very small mistake that can be corrected. 


They once a person breaks up with you, the best revenge is to move on, look nice, make new friends, work out, take care of yourself but for me I believe that is not enough. 1st healing after a break up takes a lot of time and yes I know time heals but not easy as you may think, something that can take years and the worst part, seeing that person who broke up with you happy with other people can just make things worse bringing all the memories and that start questioning your self why did you fail, what were you supposed to do, what really did you do wrong and many other questions. Feeling your ex happy with other people will always make you thinking "that should have been me"

For some people, the best revenge and therapy to moving on so fast and be happy again is by seeing those people who thought they can do better without us failing. You can control the damage depending on how hard it was for you. My Name is Robert and i cast the best spells when it comes to negative energy, bad spells, revenge spells and other spells that are evil. Do you know, because they are very easy. For example, to make a person fall in love with you, (good spell) can give you results in 12 to 30 days but to cast a spell to make a person break up (bad spell)  can take about 2 days. So it is easy always easy to win by destruction or doing something evil. Here down are some of the ways you can revenge to your ex boyfriend/ husband who brutally broke up with you using black magic, voodoo or witchcraft spells. 

1, Cast a spell to lock his sexual feelings and desires to you as in whenever he tries to have sex with another person, he cant perform better some times he cant do anything because he cant feel anything which will make him to haunted by the memories of the good times you used to have together 

2, Curse his new relationship or marriage to be more chaotic, dramatic and violent more than what he had with you. Let them fight, miscommunicate and misunderstand each other.  Fighting in front of family and friends and them family and friend think you were much better for him than her new wife or girlfriend. you can make it more dramatic by casting a binding spell so that they never break up but be together for good in a relationship/ marriage non will never be happy. 

3, Cast a curse spell not to break up now, but to break up later after they have invested a lot in the marriage/ relationship  for example, break up days after the weeding or child birth or after they have reached son something good

4, Make him want you back and miss you so badly. let me regret ever letting you go. Let him beg, cry and try everything he can to win you back. You can do this at any time whether you still want him back too or when you have moved.

5, If he gave you a reason for breaking up, whether it did make sense or not, cast a spell to make him suffer from the same mistake two times more than it was on you. Teach him a lesion that no one is perfect.

6, You can get more dramatic and get the best revenge ever by casting a spell on him to be gay. let him get confused any everyone that believed in him. 

7, Make him poor, financially crippled. This can help you revenge in two ways, after breaking up with you and he gets financially poor, he will think you were a very lucky woman for him after realizing that everything is collapsing, he might start looking for you.  And if he gets financially poor after getting in a relationship with someone else, it will make him think that his new wife or girlfriend is the one who cam e with bad luck and this will make him hate her and think of getting you back. 

8, If you have children with him and you  can take care of them with or with out him, take full custody of the children, even you go to court, cast a success spell to win the custody at all costs and control his relationship with children.

9, Keep the friendship with his best friends by making his friends to like you better than him. 

10, To a very extreme depending on how he treated you, what you went through and how risky breaking up with is, cast a revenge death spell on him to either die from short death or after a long painful illness. 

The damage of the spells will entirely depend on what you wish and what are your goals. You can do all the above when all you want is for him to one day get back together if only you did not wish him death which means they can be temporally But incase you all you want is to move on but see him unhappy, you can do this permanently like you don't care.  

Casting a revenge curse spell on your ex, you can chose from a black magic, voodoo spell, hoodoo or witchcraft spells that you can cast using names, phots and dates pf birth where the spell is cast remotely to inflict all the pain, sad and sort of revenge this is more helpful if you have no physical contact with your ex any more. In another way, you can use an infused voodoo doll that has been made and attached to your ex. with this doll, you can control how and when you want him to face any challenge or misfortune. If a voodoo doll cant be delivered to you, it can reman with us/ the spell caster who can use it per your orders and wishes. For a voodoo doll to be made, we use relics from your ex like hair, nails, blood, names and photos, clothes and anything else he is attached too. Lastly you can use African magic or juju in form of sticks, powered, oil or other charms though with this method you must be in contact with your ex or have access to him so that you can plant, sprinkle or apply the charms as directed. 

Depending on the damages, for great damages, you will need to first protect yourself if you don't mind your ex knowing that you are the source of his troubles but if you want to be behind the scene, you can chose to cast the spells in our names so that in case of revenge, it all comes back to use and we handle it. The reason for this, many people are now familiar with negative or dark energies, even if your target is so weaken to try seeking help, his close family and friend my try to help him so we have to make sure that your name will never cross their minds or anything be traced back to you . For personal consultation, guidance and advise on casting the potent revenge magics on your ex boyfriend/ husband, please chat with us or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +27639896887. privacy, confidentiality are all guaranteed.



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